Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
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GE-DARADIA Fellowship in MSK Ultrasound in Pain Medicine (3 months course with Simulation software for 6 months) 7th Jan – 25th Mar 2025 (1 module/week)
Christmas New Year Discounted Registration is Extended
Welcome to the transformative world of MSK ultrasound in pain medicine! Embark on a groundbreaking online fellowship program that combines cutting-edge technology with expert guidance to enhance your diagnostic and interventional skills. Join a community of passionate professionals and dive into the realm of musculoskeletal ultrasound, where you will master the art of visualizing and evaluating soft tissues, joints, and nerves with unparalleled precision. Through interactive modules, live demonstrations, and hands-on practice (optional), you will unlock the potential of MSK ultrasound as a powerful tool for pain management. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your practice and become a leader in the field. Enroll now in the online fellowship in musculoskeletal ultrasound in pain medicine (Fellowship in MSK Pain) and shape the future of patient care.
Program Highlights 
Collaboration with GE Healthcare: A global medical imaging and innovation leader.
MSK Ultrasound Simulator: Experience cutting-edge virtual simulations for diagnostic and interventional ultrasound! Perfect your skills with hands-on practice.
Virtual Clinic (Simulated Patient Journey): Dive into AI-powered patient cases, from history-taking to treatment planning – all in a lifelike virtual environment!
Virtual Mentor (Your AI Guide): Ask complex questions, explore tough topics, and get instant support for your learning and research.
Live Demonstrations: Watch real-time demos of ultrasound-guided procedures, interact with experts, and get answers to all your queries.
Interactive & Practical Training: Learn skills that bridge the gap between theory and practice, tailored for pain physicians of all levels.
Why Should You Join? 
Learn from world-class experts in pain medicine and MSK ultrasound. Daradia is the leader of MSK Ultrasound courses.
Master the latest tools OF MSK Ultrasound Simulator and techniques with hands-on, innovative learning.
Gain prestige by completing a fellowship certificate in association with GE Healthcare
Access AI-driven platforms for comprehensive learning anytime, anywhere.
Duration: 3 Months (7th Jan – 25th Mar 2025)
The next MSK Ultrasound course will be announced later.
Mode of Delivery: Fully Online with Simulation software with an optional hands-on workshop
Course Director:
Dr. Gautam Das MD, FIPP
- Gautam Das MD, FIPP, FIAPM;
- Smruti R Hota MD, FIPP, EDPM, CIPS;
- Sushpa Das MD, FIPP, CIPS;
- Shirish P Amatya MD, FIPM, CIPS;
- Anamul H Milton DA, FIPM, FIPP, CIPS, EDPM
Course details:
MODULE 1: USG basics & Tissue Characterization and Basic Mechanism of various injectate used in musculoskeletal pathologies
MODULE 2: Shoulder Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions
- Rotator cuff: Supraspinatus muscle, Infraspinatus muscle, Subscapularis, Rotator Cuff Interval
- Biceps long and short head
- Different impingements
- Different nerve blocks: Suprascapular Nerve, Axillary Nerve, Lat pectoral nerve
- Anterior and Posterior GH Joint, Labrum, Acromioclavicular joint,
- Ligaments around the shoulder
MODULE 3: Elbow Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions
- Anterior elbow: Brachialis, Distal Biceps Tendon Different Examination Views, Brachial Artery, Median Nerve, Anterior Joint Recess, Coronoid fossa, Radial Fossa, Coronoid process
- Medial Elbow: Common Flexor Tendon, Medial Collateral Ligament, Cubital Tunnel, Examination of ulnar nerve, Sublimus tubercle
- Lateral Elbow: Common Extensor Tendon, Lateral Collateral Ligament complex, Annular Ligament, Supinator muscle, Deep Branch and Superficial branch of the radial nerve, Brachioradialis
- Posterior Elbow: Triceps Tendon, Olecranon Process, Subcutaneous Bursa and Posterior Joint recess, Olecranon Fossa
MODULE 4: Wrist Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions
- Dorsal Wrist: Lister Tubercle, Dorsal compartments I-VI, Radiocarpal joint, Midcarpal joint, Carpometacarpal joint.
- Carpal bones identification of both palmar and dorsal view; Extrinsic and Intrinsic ligaments, both palmar and dorsal
- TFCC: Articular disc, meniscus homolog, Ulnar collateral ligaments, dorsal and volar radioulnar ligaments
- Proximal and Distal Carpal Tunnel and its contents
- Ulnar artery and nerve in proximal and distal Guyon’s Canal, FCR, FCU, Palmaris longus, FDS, FDP, FPL
MODULE 5: Hand Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions
- Phalangeal bones
- Thenar & hypothenar muscles
- A1 Pulley
MODULE 6: Hip Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions
- Anterior & Medial Hip: Capsule of the hip, Psoas tendon, Iliacus tendon, Femoral Nerve, Genitofemoral N, Lat Femoral Cut N, Obturator N, PENG Block, Adductor Tendinitis
- Lateral Hip: Gluteal Muscles’ Tendinous Insertions, Different Bursitis, Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
- Posterior Hip: Sciatic Nerve Block, Pudendal Nerve Block, Piriformis Injection, Ischio-gluteal Bursa.
MODULE 7: Knee Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions
- Anterior: Rectus Femoris, Vastus intermediate, Lateralis, Medialis Quadriceps Tendon, Suprapatellar recess, Suprapatellar Fat Pad, Pre-femoral Fat Pad, Distal Femur, Medial, and Lateral joint Recess, Patellar Tendon, Infrapatellar fat pad, Pre and Infrapatellar Bursa (Superficial and Deep), ACL in long and short axis
- Medial Knee: Medial collateral ligament (Superficial and deep layer), Medial Joint space, Medial Meniscus, Pes anserine bursa, Genicular artery, Medial patellar retinaculum, patella-femoral ligament
- Adductor canal: Saphenous nerve, nerve to Vastus Medialis, sub sartorial plexus
- Lateral: Biceps Femoris, ITB, Lateral collateral ligament, Lateral joint space, Lateral meniscus,
- Posterior Knee: Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Lateral, and Medial Gastrocnemius, Popliteal and Sciatic Nerve, PCL, Humphrey and Wrisberg ligament, Posterior Joint space, Common Peroneal Nerve, Lat sural cutaneous nerve
MODULE 8: Ankle Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions
- Anterior Ankle: Tibialis Anterior, EHL, EDL, Deep peroneal nerve, Anterior Tibial Artery, Anterior Joint recess, Great saphenous vein, Saphenous nerve, Superior and Inferior Extensor retinaculum.
- Medial Ankle: Tibialis Posterior, FHL, FDL, Tibial nerve, Posterior tibial artery, Flexor retinaculum, Deltoid Ligament (all parts), Spring Ligament,
- Lateral Ankle: Peroneus longus and brevis, Superficial peroneal nerve, Calcaneo fibular ligament, Anterior inferior Tibiofibular, Anterior Talofibular Ligament
- Posterior Ankle: Achilles Tendon formation, Retrocalcaneal bursa, Subtalar joint, Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Sural Nerve
MODULE 9: Foot Anatomy and Sonoanatomy Pathology and Interventions
MODULE 10: Nerves of the Head, Pathology, and Interventions
Supra-orbital, Infra-orbital, Mental, Maxillary, Mandibular, Auricotemporal
MODULE 11: Anatomy and sonoanatomy of the Neck, Pathology and Interventions
Greater Occipital, 3rd Occipital, Cervical Root, Cervical Medial Branch, Lesser Occipital, Greater Auricular, Cervical Plexus, Stellate Ganglion, cervical nerve roots, muscles os anterior and posterior neck
MODULE 12: Anatomy and Sonoanatomy of Thorax and Interventions
DSN, SAN, Thoracic Spine Sono-anatomy, Intercostal muscles, artery and nerves, and Erector Spinae muscle, Ilioinguinal N, Iliohypogastric N and anterior cutaneous nerves.
MSK Ultrasound classes by Gautam Das:
Registration fee:
Course Fee (including GST) | For India-Bangladesh-Nepal-Sri Lanka | For all other Countries |
Valid till 15th Dec 2024 | Rs 36000 | USD 700 |
Valid till 24th Dec 2024 | Rs 37000 | USD 750 |
From 25th Dec 2024 | R |
How to Pay:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 00282560001158

Terms & Conditions:
Date change is possible if requested 1 week prior to the event with the next online course, after that date change is not possible. Cancellation is possible with a refund of 90% of the registration fee if requested 1 week prior to the event. No date change or cancellation is possible if requested within 7 days of the event.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 00282560001158