August 17, 2020 0 Comments

-Dr. Jeshnu Tople The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted human life on the entire planet and it has affected not only physical health but also affected psychological well-being, social well-being, and interpersonal relations as well as personal, local, and global financials. The health care system, including pain medicine, is facing the most unanticipated changes and …

How Are Chronic Pain Patients in Covid Era?

August 5, 2020 0 Comments

COVID 19 or Corona virus disease is a viral infection caused by SARS-COV2 virus. It is a RNA virus and is transmitted by respiratory passage. The spread of virus was so deadly that COVID 19 disease is pandemic worldwide affecting not only the developing low income source countries but mostly the highly developed countries. The …

Ozone: Is it a better option to treat pain in Covid era?

July 17, 2020 0 Comments

The world is now facing one the biggest crisis known to mankind, the Coronavirus pandemic. This COVID-19 is multiplying at an unprecedented pace, affecting population worldwide. Coronaviruses have abundant cysteine in their spike proteins. It has been studied that the cysteine residues are also present in viral membrane proteins and must be “conserved” for viral …

Cryoneurolysis,1st time in India

September 27, 2019 0 Comments

Cryoneurolysis, a type of Cryoablation done to relieve intractable pain is a new addition in interventional pain management after advent of newer smaller gauge cryoprobe. It was done at our hospital on 6th Sept 2019. Probably first time in India with improved 22G cryoprobe.  We did USG guided bilateral genitofemoral nerve cryoablation after diagnostic block …