For Anesthesiologists
Pain course for Anesthesiologists
Majority of Anesthesiologists are not happy with their income & recognition
In a survey conducted by Daradia among anesthesiologists came at Daradia aged between 35 to 55 years, we found these interesting information:
- 85% feels that their social life is not under their own control.
- 83% were unhappy that their income is entirely dependant in hands of surgeons or hospital authority.
- 90% were unhappy because their sincere & heroic services are not recognized or appreciated by patients or community.
It is well known that anesthesiologists play mojor role in the perioperative period and also in ITU, Emergency medicine & Pain management. Among all these Pain management is the most respectable area where recognition and income, both are absolutely in hands of anesthesiologists.

History of Pain Management: Bonica is called father of pain management. He was an army anesthesiologist & during 2nd world war he treated lot of patients having severe pain following war injuries. He started with regional anesthesia and simple blocks that did miracle and pain never returned in many cases. This speciality was further developed in the hands of many other anesthesiologists.
Positive and negetive aspects for an anesthesiologist of becoming a pain doctor: According to our experiences, anesthesiologsts can most quickly learn an interventional procedure, but they are very poor in diagnosis.
Best pain management course for anesthesiologists: Ideally they should spend longer time of about 2 years to learn proper diagnosis and different interventional techniques. But neither these kind of course is available at Govt level, nor practical to spend such long time.
At Daradia we have 2 weeks introductory course, after which one should learn in his own practice at his own hospital and should be in contact with us whenever they face difficulties. We also have 3 months course for them to have more exposure.
Daradia never believes that one can be a good pain physician in 2 weeks or 3 months time. But Daradia is confident that after these courses one can start pain practice by his/her own at basic level and gradually start learning pain management better from own practices.
Busy & senior anesthesiologists can attend short courses/workshops few times and should also start pain practice along with anesthesia practice. This will bring recognistion which is lacking in most anesthesilogist’s life.