Master Interventional Pain Management Techniques: Tailor-Made One-on-One Workshops

Welcome to Personalized Workshops in Interventional Pain Management

Are you seeking to enhance your proficiency in interventional pain management? Our tailor-made workshops offer a unique opportunity for focused learning, with one participant paired with an expert faculty member. Dive into hands-on practice with state-of-the-art equipment such as the C-arm or ultrasonography (USG) machine, and refine your skills until you achieve mastery. You may add hands-on cadaveric workshop too.

Why Choose Our Tailor-Made Interventional Pain Management Workshops at Daradia?

Most Renowned Pain Training Center:

Received “Excellence in Pain Practice” award by World Institute of Pain for training of physicians in pain management. Daradia is the only pain clinic in India who received “Best Pain Clinic” award by Indian chapter of IASP.

Largest Number of Pain Physicians Were Trained Here:

Till March 2024, about 4500+ physicians have attended different pain management courses and workshops organized by solely Daradaia.

Innovative training methods:

By designing mannequins, teaching materials, and books & simulator, Daradia has simplified pain training.

World Wide Reputation:

More than 4500 international physicians attended pain courses including participants from USA, Europe, Australia.

Individualized Attention:

Our workshops are designed for maximum learning efficiency, with one participant paired with a dedicated faculty member. Benefit from personalized guidance and tailored instruction to address your specific learning goals and challenges.

Intensive Practical Training on Interventional Pain Management:

Spend the entire day immersed in practical sessions, practicing with either a C-arm or USG machine alone or a small group created by you with your friends. Gain confidence and proficiency in performing a range of interventional pain procedures, from nerve blocks to joint injections, under the supervision of our experienced faculty.

Focus on Mastery:

Our workshops are centered around the concept of mastery. Practice each procedure repeatedly until you feel confident in your abilities, with guidance and feedback provided by our expert instructors every step of the way.

What Earlier Course Participants Say:

What Procedures Will You Master?

Ultrasonography-Guided Interventional Pain Management Procedures:

Ultrasonography (USG) is a powerful tool in interventional pain management, offering real-time imaging capabilities for precise needle placement. In our workshops, you’ll learn the principles of USG-guided procedures and practice techniques as below. You can choose anything from below. You can scan on volunter and use ultrasound simulator.

Under the guidance of our faculty, you’ll refine your skills in visualizing anatomical structures and achieving accurate needle placement with confidence.

USG-guided interventions include the CIPS syllabus

Choose Any Topics From Below:

• Spine 1. Cervical medial branch block 2. Cervical selective nerve root block 3. Thoracic facet joint block 4. Lumbar medial branch/facet joint block 5. Caudal epidural injection

• Peripheral nerves 1. Suprascapular nerve 2. Ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve 3. Pudendal nerve 4. Ulnar nerve at cubital canal 5. Lateral femoral cutaneous block

• Musculoskeletal Joints 1. AC joint 2. Glenohumeral Joint (any approach) 3. Hip joint injection 4. Knee joint injection 5. Tibiotalar joint injection

• Musculoskeletal Soft Tissue 1. Bicep tendon (peri) 2. Subdeltoid bursa 3. Medial or lateral epicondylosis tendon sheath injection/fenestration 4. Piriformis injection 5.Trochanteric bursa injection, Sub. GMax, Medius and Minimus

C-arm Guided Interventions:

The C-arm fluoroscopy machine provides live X-ray imaging, making it indispensable for a variety of interventional pain procedures. During our workshops, you’ll learn to utilize the C-arm for procedures on a specialy designed mannequin.

Master the art of navigating complex anatomical structures and delivering therapeutic agents with precision, under the expert supervision of our faculty.

C-arm guided Interventional Pain Management includes the FIPP syllabus

Choose Any Topics from below:

• Head and neck 1) Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block 2) Stellate Ganglion Block 3) Trigeminal Ganglion Block 4) Midline Interlaminar Cervical Epidural Block 5) Cervical Facet Block

• Thorax 1) T2, 3 Sympathetic Block 2) Splanchnic Nerve Block 3) Thoracic Spinal Cord Lead Placement 4) Thoracic Facet Block 5) Intercostal Nerve Block

• Lumbar 1) Lumbar Sympathetic Block 2) Lumbar Selective Nerve Root Block 3) Lumbar Discography Procedure 4) Lumbar Facet Block 5) Lumbar Communicating Ramus

• Pelvic 1) Hypogastric Plexus Block 2) Caudal Neuroplasty 3) Sacral Nerve Root Block 4) Sacroiliac Joint Injection 5) RF-Sacroiliac Joint

Ideal Training For FIPP/CIPS Or Similar Exams

Welcome to our comprehensive course designed to prepare you for the FIPP (Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice) and CIPS (Certified Interventional Pain Sonologist) exams. This course is meticulously crafted to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to excel in these prestigious certifications in the field of interventional pain management.

USG Guided Advanced Tailor Made Course Topics

Shoulder Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions

  1. Rotator cuff: Supraspinatus muscle, Infraspinatus muscle, Subscapularis, Rotator Cuff Interval
  2. Biceps long and short head
  3. Different impingements
  4. Different nerve blocks: Suprascapular Nerve, Axillary Nerve, Lat pectoral nerve
  5. Anterior and Posterior GH Joint, Labrum, Acromioclavicular joint,
  6. Ligaments around the shoulder

Elbow Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventional Pain Management

  1. Anterior elbow: Brachialis, Distal Biceps Tendon Different Examination Views, Brachial Artery, Median Nerve, Anterior Joint Recess, Coronoid fossa, Radial Fossa, Coronoid process
  2. Medial Elbow: Common Flexor Tendon, Medial Collateral Ligament, Cubital Tunnel, Examination of ulnar nerve, Sublimus tubercle
  3. Lateral Elbow: Common Extensor Tendon, Lateral Collateral Ligament complex, Annular Ligament, Supinator muscle, Deep Branch and Superficial branch of the radial nerve, Brachioradialis
  4. Posterior Elbow: Triceps Tendon, Olecranon Process, Subcutaneous Bursa and Posterior Joint recess, Olecranon Fossa

Wrist Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventional Pain Management

  1. Dorsal Wrist: Lister Tubercle, Dorsal compartments I-VI, Radiocarpal joint, Midcarpal joint, Carpometacarpal joint.
  2. Carpal bones identification of both palmar and dorsal view; Extrinsic and Intrinsic ligaments, both palmar and dorsal
  3. TFCC: Articular disc, meniscus homolog, Ulnar collateral ligaments, dorsal and volar radioulnar ligaments
  4. Proximal and Distal Carpal Tunnel and its contents
  5. Ulnar artery and nerve in proximal and distal Guyon’s Canal, FCR, FCU, Palmaris longus, FDS, FDP, FPL

Hand Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventional Pain Management

  1. Phalangeal bones
  2. Thenar & hypothenar muscles
  3. A1 Pulley

Hip Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions 

  1. Anterior & Medial Hip: Capsule of the hip, Psoas tendon, Iliacus tendon, Femoral Nerve, Genitofemoral N, Lat Femoral Cut N, Obturator N, PENG Block, Adductor Tendinitis
  2. Lateral Hip: Gluteal Muscles’ Tendinous Insertions, Different Bursitis, Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
  3. Posterior Hip: Sciatic Nerve Block, Pudendal Nerve Block, Piriformis Injection, Ischio-gluteal Bursa.

Knee Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventional Pain Management

  1. Anterior: Rectus Femoris, Vastus intermediate, Lateralis, Medialis Quadriceps Tendon, Suprapatellar recess, Suprapatellar Fat Pad, Pre-femoral Fat Pad, Distal Femur, Medial, and Lateral joint Recess, Patellar Tendon, Infrapatellar fat pad, Pre and Infrapatellar Bursa (Superficial and Deep), ACL in long and short axis
  2. Medial Knee: Medial collateral ligament (Superficial and deep layer), Medial Joint space, Medial Meniscus, Pes anserine bursa, Genicular artery, Medial patellar retinaculum, patella-femoral ligament
  3. Adductor canal: Saphenous nerve, nerve to Vastus Medialis, sub sartorial plexus
  4. Lateral: Biceps Femoris, ITB, Lateral collateral ligament, Lateral joint space, Lateral meniscus,
  5. Posterior Knee: Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Lateral, and Medial Gastrocnemius, Popliteal and Sciatic Nerve, PCL, Humphrey and Wrisberg ligament, Posterior Joint space, Common Peroneal Nerve, Lat sural cutaneous nerve

Ankle Anatomy and Sono-anatomy, Pathology, and Interventions

  1. Anterior Ankle: Tibialis Anterior, EHL, EDL, Deep peroneal nerve, Anterior Tibial Artery, Anterior Joint recess, Great saphenous vein, Saphenous nerve, Superior and Inferior Extensor retinaculum.
  2. Medial Ankle: Tibialis Posterior, FHL, FDL, Tibial nerve, Posterior tibial artery, Flexor retinaculum, Deltoid Ligament (all parts), Spring Ligament,
  3. Lateral Ankle: Peroneus longus and brevis, Superficial peroneal nerve, Calcaneo fibular ligament, Anterior inferior Tibiofibular, Anterior Talofibular Ligament
  4. Posterior Ankle: Achilles Tendon formation, Retrocalcaneal bursa, Subtalar joint, Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Sural Nerve

Foot Anatomy and Sonoanatomy Pathology and Interventions

Nerves of the Head, Pathology, and Interventions

        Supra-orbital, Infra-orbital, Mental, Maxillary, Mandibular, Auricotemporal

Anatomy and sonoanatomy of the Neck, Pathology and Interventional Pain Management

Greater Occipital, 3rd Occipital, Cervical Root, Cervical Medial Branch, Lesser Occipital, Greater Auricular, Cervical Plexus, Stellate Ganglion, cervical nerve roots, muscles os anterior and posterior neck

Anatomy and Sonoanatomy of Thorax and Interventions

DSN, SAN, Thoracic Spine Sono-anatomy, Intercostal muscles, artery and nerves, and Erector Spinae muscle, Ilioinguinal N, Iliohypogastric N and anterior cutaneous nerves.

C-arm Guided Advanced Tailor Made Course Topics

  • Vertebroplasty
  • Celiac plexus block
  • Erector spinae block

Frequently Asked Questions About Interventional Pain Management

What is the course duration? It is decided by you.

Course fee? Depends on the duration that you wish to stay. Details are given below.

What are the available dates? You decide on any dates and tell us. Give us 3 choices according to your preference.

Course contents? You decide what you wish to learn in pain management. If you can’t decide, tell us your experience and we shall suggest content tailored for you.

Certification? Certification from Daradia Pain Foundation

What about accommodation, food & transport? Course fees do not include accommodation, food, and transport. But we can arrange your accommodation, food, and transport at the hotel, guest house or hostel if you wish.

Course material? Books & all Course materials and teaching DVDs will be provided at additional cost.

Food? Working lunch will be provided during the course.

Eligibility & Course Fee

Eligibility: He/She must be a medical graduate (MBBS or MD) from a recognised University

Course fee: 
Course fee varies depending on duration. Course fee is 2000 USD, if one wish to stay for 3 days’ tailored course; 3600 USD for 7 days’ tailored course and 3600 USD plus 350 USD per day on each additional days after 7 days if one wish to stay longer. Course fee is reduced by 20-30% if participants comes in a small group of 2-4. 18% Govt service taxes are applicable and are additional. Accommodation, food, and airport transfer have to be borne separately by the participant.

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